Monday, March 26, 2012

Applying The Bedini Circuit

All this talk about a Bedini circuit should be making you wonder "What the hell is a Bedini circuit?". As I stated earlier in other blogs the Bedini circuit is all over the Internet. You'll find some great "show and tells" on YouTube. They say a picture is worth a thousand words; so, I've included a pictorial below of a simple Bedini circuit (North Pole Motor).

Note that in the above illustration there is a battery in the circuit. In fact, in some Bedini circuits there are two batteries. The people who have built and put these circuits to test tell us that the batteries are consantly charging. If you can keep two batteries charged through a running Bedini circuit then could twelve batteries be charged? If so, then we have a key component for a residential solar system and even an electric car system that will keep the batteries charged continuously.

Let's take as an example, a residential solar system that puts electricity back into the electrical grid. A solar panel which is a collection of individual solar cells wired together produces so many watts (electrical power) of direct current (dc). A typical solar panel produces about 250 watts of power. If you had 10 of these solar panels mounted on your home's roof then on a sunny day you could produce 2.5 kilowatts of direct current power (not a lot for the average home usage). If you connected the solar panels to ten 12-volt lead batteries connected in series then you could at least on sunny days keep the batteries charged. Taking the power from the batteries into a DC/AC inverter you then could transform the direct current power into alternating current which then is useful for home electrical and electronic applications. In this solar application the key is keeping the batteries fully charged. On sunny days the solar panels do that job very well. But what about not so sunny days? Not much dc power is coming form the solar panels then. That is were the Bedini circuit could play an important role. If the Bedini circuit can continuously charge twelve 12-volt batteries then neither rain or shine (or just cloudy days) would keep you from producing AC electricity. The same could be said for keeping an electric car's system fully charged with DC power.

So, this is were I'm heading with the application of the Bedini circuit: If we can continuously keep batteries charged via a free rotation of a magnet rotor connected to some electrical and electronic components then we could have free green energy that I'm calling Bedini Energy to help us cut our huge energy bills that most of our income goes towards. Until next time ...


copyright (c)2012 William Janisch All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Mechanical Side - Momentum

Update: On the electrical side of this invention (the Bedini circuit) I've located the wire gauges that we need to build the bifilar coil. Your local Radio Shack has a package that contains 3 spools of wire of the following gauges: 1)#23, 2)#26 and 3)#30. This is an enamel coated magnet wire, sku #278-1345. Although the design specs call for a #22 gauge wire the Radio Shack packet has #23 gauge and should not affect the circuit's performance any.

The pressing problem at hand is to find a mechanical method to wind the bifilar coil with 850 turns accurately. I've seen home-made spindle systems powered by a drill on the Internet that seem easy enough to rig up. And so, that is probably the method I'll use to wind my bifilar coil. When I get to that stage there will be more info on that procedure.

For today's blog I will discuss momentum and why it is important in the Bedini circuit. The Bedini circuit is all over YouTube these days. On the mechanical side it is usually a bike wheel laced with magnets around its circumference. Once you start the bike wheel spinning the electrical side of the circuit kicks in to energize and de-energize the bifilar coil which mechanically creates a repulsive action to the magnets on the wheel as well as voltage and amps on the electrical side. This repulsive action of the magnets and coil should keep the wheel spinning until forces stop it, i.e. your hand, inherent friction, etc. So, the mechanical problem we first face is to design a magnet rotor system that is not influence by any friction, in other words, a frictionless rotor system.

The problem is that friction is always presence in the real world. The best we can do is to reduce friction by an appreciable amount. That is why many of the Bedini circuits you see on the Internet uses the 10-speed bike wheel because the wheel's bearing system is very fine and reduces friction considerably. However, the wheel is just too large for practical uses in providing electricity for our applications around the house. So, a rotor design that is much smaller than the bike wheel needs to be employed here. A smaller wheel means a faster rotation which will help us on the electrical side to get the hertz (Hz) that we will need.

While a frictionless rotor would be the ideal situation; in real life the best we can do is reduce the friction as much as possible so that it doesn't erode our momentum over time. A good bearing system will help with that considerably. However, I think another mechanical concept here is important in achieving  perpetual motion - momentum.

Momentum is defined in mathematical terms as momentum = p= mass x velocity. That is to say p = mv. If we can get the momentum of the rotor large enough that might just overcome our inherent forces of friction with the aid of replusion of like charges provided by the coil and magnets. So, the variable that we can change on our rotor design is its weight; the more weight the better. Remember, weight (mass) at a certain velocity equals momentum.

Because the prototype that I'm building is using parts that I have around the house my bearing system is not the best in the world (see above picture). My bearing system is a garage door wheel and bearing. I have a lot of play in the wheel bearing's axial which is going to cause me to loose some momentum due to friction. I want know if I can overcome this friction until I get the entire system built. 

My design will be a dangling system with the rotor spin in a horizontal direction rather than vertical direction. That is to say that the garage door wheel will be suspended in some kind of holder and the axle part of the wheel will be dangling. Hopefully, the spin of the rotor will keep the axle on center rather than off center in its rotation - we'll see. With this design I'm loosing the positive effects of gravity (kinetic energy) as the magnets fall downward towards the coil. However, there is also a negative gravity effect as the magnets go up from the coil that my design will not have to contend with.

Again, the key to the mechanical side of the Bedini circuit is a frictionless rotation. Since frictionless rotation is not totally achievable in the real world I think that momentum will overcome much of the friction issue or at least balance it out so that the repulsion of the coil and magnets will keep it spinning. Stay tuned to more Bedini Energy.


copyright (c)2012 William Janisch All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bedini Energy Engineering Project - The Intro

There is much information on the Internet about the Bedini circuit. Just search for Bedini and the information will flood in. However, what I plan to do in this blog is actually build a bedini circuit for myself and experiment with the engineering applications for this machine/circuit. It has been implied over the Internet that this Bedini circuit could be used to generate electrical power. In fact, the circuit does produce energy enough to keep two 12 volt batteries constantly charged and it delivers an impluse voltage (through induction) of some amplitude. I plan to verify all these claims and experiment with the application of this Bedini circuit.

I wanted to use materials that I had around the house to build this thing. I had to buy the ceramic magnets my local Radio Shack for about $4.00 for five magnets. I put dowel extensions on the CD disk to have a way to mount the circular magnets and at the same time improve the momentum factor of the CD by giving it a little more mass. Remember, p=mv, that is momentum equalls mass time speed. The more momentum I can get the better the RPMs.

My base is comprised of two sawn 2x4s glued together with a 1/2'' hole drilled through in the middle. I inserted into the hole in the 2x4 glue-up an inverted CD disc holder. And then I inserted into the inverted CD disc holder (the part that holds the CDs a garage door wheel. The garage door wheel has bearings that will make my magnet rotor turn effortlessly with less friction - got to reduce the friction. I want has much RPMs that I can get from the CD disc rotor. I'm thinking at this point without actually testing it that more RPMs will give more electrical frequency (Hz) - hopefully 60 Hz or more.

As you can see I'm just now finishing up on the mechanical part of the Bedini circuit. The next step is to get the electronic components together and wire them into the rotor. Most of the components I think can be gotten from my local Radio Shack - I hope. I need a bifilar coil of 450 to 800 turns which may be somewhat difficult to find - may have to make it.

I won't spend any time explaning how the Bedini circuit operates (that is somewhat a mystery depending on who you read). But that information can be found on the Internet. What I will cover when I get the Bedini circuit built and running are the engineering applications of the machine. If  you want to leave comments you must register. I'd love hearing your comments and ideas!

Until then!